About Me

A fairly new resident of the Woodlawn area, I moved into my new home in the summer of 2023, and have discovered a love for the people, the neighbourhood, and community spirit in the area. 

A single mom of 2 adult children,  I have spent nearly 20 years building connections in the HRM community through previous  positions in Community Relations, and various volunteer positions, and have years of experience in people and business management, including running a successful small business.

With a proven track record of results, I strive to always ensure those around me are empowered with the tools they need to succeed, and will stop at nothing to get the job done.  

I am a natural problem solver, always searching for the root cause of the issue, rather than a band-aid solution. If solving that problem means lacing up a pair of steel toed boots, donning a high vis vest, and going to see the issues first hand to get a full understanding of the situation, that is what I will do.   You can't always understand the big picture without speaking to the people with boots on the ground.

With a passion for community welfare and a commitment to transparency and inclusivity, I envision and look forward to a brighter future for District 6, and all of HRM 

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©Copyright Lori Ogden 2024. 

All rights reserved.

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